Editing the final videos

Below you can see how I merged videos of different women together create and impactful appearance. This really pushed my skills on premiere pro. As you can se this meant that I had to combine a lot of layers so for example the faces were merged but still both clear and you can identify both women. I learned how to fade he edges and feather the edges so backgrounds of videos didn’t interfere with the importance of the women themselves.Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 11.35.28Screen Shot 2018-05-09 at 11.31.00


Again, to create an impactful effect that was in your face I was playing three, sometimes for videos at one time- layers on top of each other. This creates a very busy look similar to James Richards and George Barber

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I decided to combine some clips from older videos that I created and I thought we still appropriate since I wanted to keep building and building on top of each video layer. As you can see there are clips of my friend looking at her phone scrolling through instagram looking sad as if she is comparing herself to what she is seeing.

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This is an element that I am incorporating in all three videos. I used the skill I learned with animation and text so that when my audio and video was playing a speech, I managed to get the words to play at the exact time that she said each one. This created an impactful effect that I am sure will create an engaging effect in my exhibition space. Also to note I used the RGB colour tool to change the colour of the video using the colour pink that I have said before is associated with being very ditzy and feminine.

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This is an example of one of the glitches I learned to create in use.

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